Trieste citizens created a network of support for the Ukrainians fleeing the war. Our Telegram channel Trieste Emergenza Ucraina is linked to the website in Italian, Ukrainian and Russian.
28.03 Ukrainian families in Trieste need our help - launch of the crowdfunding campaign
5.04 Il Piccolo: Trieste-Emergenza Ucraina, ecco gli indirizzi cui rivolgersi per dare una mano
1.05 Crowdfunding - 3000€ collected, 2400€ spent (crisis-management ‘on demand’)
18.05 Casa Malala -
27.05 Happy Circus “Cartonito Show”- ****Spettacolo di beneficenza (Trieste)
10.06 Happy Circus “Cartonito Show”- ****Spettacolo di beneficenza (Monfalcone)
19.06 Barbacan Produce: hand-made crafts by Ukrainian women and teenagers in partnership with the American Corner Trieste (AIA)
3-4.09 Maker Faire: hand-made crafts and workshops in partnership with AIA
26.11 Folks Giving Concert + Bandura workshop: in partnership with AIA